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Data Equity Strategist. Author. Speaker.

Brandeis Marshall and the DataedX Group team assists people in making more responsible data connections. We provide learning and development training to help educators, scholars and practitioners humanize their data practices by recognizing and mitigating algorithmic harms. 

Brandeis Marshall (she/her/Dr) isn't your typical computer scientist. She loved math and dance as a kid. Brandeis majored in computer science because she found it to be math with a creative twist. Brandeis brings her creativity and passion for data to every project. All things have its roots in data. And Brandeis works with people and organizations to reduce data anxieties, make it digestible to understand and help build responsible data practices. 


"Yes! I'm about halfway through your book and found the first chapter a great resource for data professional novices and for people who are working in data spaces but aren't traditional data professionals.

Your book is really accessible."


~ Scott D. 


A thought leader in broadening participation in data science, Brandeis shares her approaches to effectively amplify social contexts within data and its implications for all communities. She shines a light from the inside of tech’s gaps and works diligently to fill those gaps. 


The DataedX Group team crafts and curates data ethics resources for teams with varying data skill levels. We partner with organizations to provide take you from data overwhelm to data clarity. 

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Let's Connect

If you're interested in hiring Dr. Marshall for your own professional development, your group or your organization, reach out.  

Pre-order TODAY. Book release September 2022
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